Monday, April 13, 2009


The United States economy is currenty in a recession. It really makes me think how this will impact me as a social worker. I will be facing more and more families who need help and with out a job. It is known that poverty is related to lower standards of living and who is in prison. This can cause more negative atttidutes, fights, and violence in order to get basic nesseities to live in life. I think that in the future, with the current economy of the United States that social work will be highly needed job. It will be a highly needed job however, with the rising costs of living, higher degrees will be required. I strongly feel that in the future a basic Bachelors degree will be equal to a high school diploma. This makes me more eager to continue my education and earn a masters. I feel that it will become what is required as a minimum for good jobs in the future. This is sad but I feel that this will truly happen. The basic four year colleg education will not be valued as much as it is today. Over time, things seem to lose their value. A high school diploma used to could you far in life. Now, it seems opposite. I am scared about the future economy and worry that I might not be qualifiied just enought to even get a job. Things are deffinately getting harder to live by in life.

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