Monday, April 20, 2009


As part of a requirement to proceed to social work 395, it is mandatory that social work majors volunteer a total of 80 hours at an agency. I chose to do half my hours at a nursing home and half at Palmetto pregnacny center. I really enjoyed volunteering at both of these places. This week will complete my volunteer hours at teh pregnancy center. I really saw a diverse range of patients who take use of the services provided at this center. I was amazed to see how many people actually come. I witnessed many young teens come in to do ultrasounds. The issue of abortion comes to mind to alot of these teens. Abortion is a topic that has come about in so many of my social work classes. I feel that there are many reasons why a women may choose to have one. I really thought hard about this issue and believev that a women should have the right to determine rather or not she can carry on with a pregnacny. Mistakes and acciendents happen. Adoption is always a second optioin to most women, however, most women can not imagine carrying a child and being attached to it before it iseven born and then giving it away. So adoption is less likely of an option. I am unsure if i would have an abortion if I ever had an uplanned pregancy or a pregnacy in which I did not feel I could handel. I do not think anyone can really provide a true answer or opinion until they ahve been in the sitatuation. I feel that society is very closed-minded on this issue. This topic makes me mad in general. Everyone has a different opinion on what they considerlife to be and at what state in pregancy it actually is. therefore; there should be no set law on this issue.

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