Wednesday, April 22, 2009

end of social work 200

Today marks the official ending of lecture in Social Work 200. I feel that today I have learned alot and really thought about the population and the future. I did not thinking about overpopulation. I kinda considered deaths would compensate for birth rates. However, there are more and more people having kids. I know that in Arabic culture the norm is at least five kids. This is alot compared to the average 2 in America. I never thought about there being an abundance in people. I did not misinterepret the fact that there is a food and wate shortage problem that is currently affecting us all. I do feel that this is where social workers can make a stand. We can help push for society. Social workers can make a difference for change.

People and Attachment

People come and go. This is what they say. It is hard getting attached to people you really care about rather its boyfriends, friends, family, random strangers. I am currenty having to deal with the stress of knowing that my boyfriend of two yearas is leaving for good to go back tohis country because he w ill be done with school. Its really stressfull and I am reallly starting t o feel detached. I am scared to get close to people because when I do, they leave. My best friend since kindergarden is thinking about moving to tennesse in a few monthes. So I feel like I am going to have a double shot of people I am close to leaving. This is an issue that I know I am going to most likley face as a social worker. I understand there is a fine line that you must not cross as being someone's friend and someone's client. However, sometimes you can not help but to get attached to someone and I am scared of getting attached to a client. I love people. But I feel like these expereiences with my boyfriend and best friend will help me detach myself a little less from people. This can be bad because I am scared that I will not be able to get closes to any one again. This is going to be an issue that I am going to have to work at. It is really stressing me out and making me angry. I just hope I can learn to balance myself and learn who to attach myself to and who not to.

Why I think I would be a good social worker

There are many people out there who are quick tempered and easy to get mad. I never thought that I would have the skills to be a type of councelor. Many of my friends have pointed out to me that I have good listening skills and that I am never quick to get mad and judgemental. I feel that these are two of the most important skills that make a person a good social worker. I used to not feel confident about this major when I first started taking classes for social work. However, now I realize that I possess that major skills that is required to be succesful in this field. I only have one more year left of college which includes my internship. I feel that I have I have soo much more to learn and am really scared that it wont be learned inone semester of school. I do understand that the other skills are learn as you go. The other day I felt unsure of myself but after a good talk with a friend, I realized that I let things intimidate me too much. If I could just focuson what I have and not try to be like anyone else. I would be able to see the good in myself and what skills I really have. I focused all my attention on how others would handle a particular problem in social work. I try to be like them. If I could be myself and be confident that I can handel a patient or social work problem in practice, then I feel that I would be a great social worker in the future.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Social Work Stereotype

It seems that everyone has a stereotype. Today someone asked me what my major was and I told them that I was going to school to study social work. The first thing that came out of the person's mouth was "your gonna take people kid's away huh". I calmy said "no..theres more to social work,...but If i have to then yes!". I am really frustrated with ignorance. One thing that annoys me the most is when people are too ignorant to realize the truth. I wish that people would become more educated. Stereotypes really make me angry!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


As part of a requirement to proceed to social work 395, it is mandatory that social work majors volunteer a total of 80 hours at an agency. I chose to do half my hours at a nursing home and half at Palmetto pregnacny center. I really enjoyed volunteering at both of these places. This week will complete my volunteer hours at teh pregnancy center. I really saw a diverse range of patients who take use of the services provided at this center. I was amazed to see how many people actually come. I witnessed many young teens come in to do ultrasounds. The issue of abortion comes to mind to alot of these teens. Abortion is a topic that has come about in so many of my social work classes. I feel that there are many reasons why a women may choose to have one. I really thought hard about this issue and believev that a women should have the right to determine rather or not she can carry on with a pregnacny. Mistakes and acciendents happen. Adoption is always a second optioin to most women, however, most women can not imagine carrying a child and being attached to it before it iseven born and then giving it away. So adoption is less likely of an option. I am unsure if i would have an abortion if I ever had an uplanned pregancy or a pregnacy in which I did not feel I could handel. I do not think anyone can really provide a true answer or opinion until they ahve been in the sitatuation. I feel that society is very closed-minded on this issue. This topic makes me mad in general. Everyone has a different opinion on what they considerlife to be and at what state in pregancy it actually is. therefore; there should be no set law on this issue.

Friday, April 17, 2009


The other day in my social work 523 class we began our section in child abuse and child protective services. We watched a video detailing what to look for as signs of abuse. It is so sad how often this happens. I learned alot of things that I did not know like how children will act in society when they have been abused. It was a really sad video to watch but I feel I have really learned alot from the video. The class last tuesday was very informative. What I found to be most disturbing besides phycial abuse was emotional abuse by caregivers to young children. Emotional abuse can really belittle a person and cause behavorial problems. I feel that emotional abuse often goes unnoticed because it does not leave any physcial evidence. I feel that it is a real harmful form of abuse that cause self esteem issues. Working with children can be very emotional but very rewarding to help one. This video has caused me to wonder if working with families and children is the best for me. Im really intrested in mental health and families and children; however, I do not know If i can handle dealing with abused kids.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today in my social work research class there was a presentation done about homeless men and thier alcohol addictions. It made me think about how common this is in Charlotte. and all the surrounding areas. I also rethought about my perception of homeless people. The movie with Will Smith comes to mind entitiled "the Pursuit of Happiness". Where he was in decent living and lost everything he had and became homeless with his little boy. I reconsidered and learned that not every homeless person is a slob, bum, and lazy. I realized you can lose what you have in an instant. You can get fired from a job especially in this econonmy, get behind on payments, to where eventually everything you have is gone. This is a harsh reality. Thanks to this presentation I became enlightend on the issue of homelessness and have reevalutead my opinion of homeless people in general.

Monday, April 13, 2009


The United States economy is currenty in a recession. It really makes me think how this will impact me as a social worker. I will be facing more and more families who need help and with out a job. It is known that poverty is related to lower standards of living and who is in prison. This can cause more negative atttidutes, fights, and violence in order to get basic nesseities to live in life. I think that in the future, with the current economy of the United States that social work will be highly needed job. It will be a highly needed job however, with the rising costs of living, higher degrees will be required. I strongly feel that in the future a basic Bachelors degree will be equal to a high school diploma. This makes me more eager to continue my education and earn a masters. I feel that it will become what is required as a minimum for good jobs in the future. This is sad but I feel that this will truly happen. The basic four year colleg education will not be valued as much as it is today. Over time, things seem to lose their value. A high school diploma used to could you far in life. Now, it seems opposite. I am scared about the future economy and worry that I might not be qualifiied just enought to even get a job. Things are deffinately getting harder to live by in life.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break Reflections

Recently for spring break my friends and I travelled to Miami, Florida. In miami, I got the experience to discover alot of hispanics and the enviroment they live in. We travelled through the pooere neighborhoods of miami which consisited of mostly hispanic and african americans. It made me wonder how do these minority people often are the ones living in such poverty or low income areas. There were only a few white families living in these below standard living neighborhoods. As a social worker, I realize that I will be experiencing alot of contact with people who have low income and live in areas such as blackmond road and what I saw in downtown Miami. I realize how unsafe most of these places are because people do what they have to survive. What it takes to survive usually consists of prositituion, drug deals, and stealing because most of these people do not have jobs are can not get a good one due to lack of education. I hope that I an empower these people to change for the better given the opportunity to work with a family or individual living in these conditions. When I think I have it bad in as a college kid because I feel that I am broke and livnig on a budget, all I have do is think about the great opportunities I have in life and I no longer feel upset. I become much more gracious and appreciate what I have more. I feel that a greater appreciataion of life is one of the great aspects of being a social worker. As a social worker you will experience alot of things that will make you appreciate and realize that truly your life is not as bad as you think.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Alcohol Abuse

Recently in social work 20o we discussed Alcohol and drug abuse. Its hard to belive how common this is among individuals. I know about 3 people that have been in keystones due to an alcohol problem. Alchohol is a problem that runs in my family. My grandpa was an alcohol and luckily he recovered and stopped for a few years. It also make me wonder why do people get started? I believe it starts in college. college is a time where most people drink and partyall the time. They stay drunk alot and forget who their selves are. I know alot of people like this. Its like they feel incomplete with out drinking and they do not know what to do with out getting drunk. This topic hits home for me because i am familiar with this topic. Luckily I do not have any close experiences with drugs. I have lost a boyfriend due to alcohol. He was killed in a drunk driving accident. I wonder what the world we be like with out alcohol? I wonder how many lives would still be here?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Just recently I had to do a podcast for social work 201. I found it to be very intresting. They can be very useful to record positive messsages for an individual who may need help. They can simply load the podcast and hear positive words when a social worker/counselor is not there with them. They are also good to record notes as well. I had fun doing my podcast; however, was very embarrased because I was in a lab with people and it seemed as if I was talking to myself. I thought the assignment was really good and feel that everyone should have some experiene with podcasts. I had a teacher who would often give his lectures on podcasts and require us to listne to them outside of class on days he was not able to attend. Podcasts can have various uses. I feel that eventually, podcasts will be more popular and in use by more and more individuals.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Poverty and My thoughts on Blackmond Road

Poverty is an ongoing issue that is most likely to progress due to the current economic state of the United States. Blackmond road which is not far from Winthrop University is one area in society that suffers from extreme poverty. The road is jsut outside city limits of Rock Hill but is considered a part of York County. However neither of the two will do anything to help this area because they claim that is is the others responsibility. I feel that York County s hould help this area. It is technically a part of york county despite that it is just outside city limits of Rock Hill. But I also feel that Rock Hill should help some what by offerign more donations. It is a shame to see this are in our society be finanically oppresed but unfortunately they are. I hope that one of the two either York County or Rock Hill will stop being cheap and eventually step up to shape Black Road Community.

recent plans for this community: it is a step up

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My thoughts about Sexual Abuse

Recently in Social Work 200, we have been watching videos of a young girl who was sexually abused as a child. I listened to her story and feel that this kind of stuff is happening to frequently today. Most sexual abuse goes unoticed due to the amount of fear children have of telling an adult what is going on. I feel there should be more advocates to stand up against sexual abuse among children so that they will become more empowered to stand up against sexual predators. Schools influence children second to their families and should do more to help children confess to whats going on. I think its a good idea for schools to spend a little bit more time talking to children emphasizing what is good touch and what is bad touch, so that they can become more familiar and aware of their situations. I strongly admire young lady who has the courage to speak up about what has happened to her. As a Social Worker in the future, I realize that I will unfortunately come across many kids who have been sexually abused. My goal is too help free these kids of their pain and help recreate their life so that they can experience a loving childhood they deserve. I feel like my future profession will be rewarding and excited at the opportunity to make a difference in society.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

So far in Social Work 200/201

I am learning alot about what social work is and how much different profession all work together. Social work is part of social welfare. There are many other professions such as psychiatry, psychology and political science that addressed social welfare. All these different forces combien to help solve a specific issue in society. Im also learning more about the past such as the Elizabethan Poor Law that said that only children or people who are disabled or bling are eligable for government assistance. Most of these factors still apply today such as applying for medicare and medicaid. Im learning more about what the government does to help those in need and the values of liberals and conservatives. I never really understood the difference betweeen the two and how the government dispences is money to help until I learned in class. I learned that conservatives would rather give money to business's to help boost economy where as liberals feel its best to give money to the people itself to be able to buy goods from business's. There are downsides to both liberals and conservatives views on the economy. If you give money to the people they may not spend the money to boost economy and if conservatives give money to the business's they may not make do as promised and use their money in other ways that will not be benefical to society. There needs to be some type of middle person to help ensure that whoever gets money or asssistance from the governemnt is spending the money in the correct way. I never realy thought about issues like this until I learned this information in class. :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

What exactly do I want to do with Social Work?

After switching my major many times from Biology, Pyschology, and now finally Social Work. There are many things to do with a BSW in Social Work. I am unsure which track I am really intrested in pursuing. I really like the Mental Health track but also the family and children track. I really hope that by the end of SCWK 200, I will have come to a concensus on what I wish to study in graduate school. I think that I may lean towards the Mental Health track only because they make a little more money and I have an aunt who is a liscened medical social worker. I can relate to this a little more than the familes and children track. Who knows what I will choose, after all I've already changed majors three times already.